By all means please Bill, do as much math on air , to your hearts’ contentment. . .

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Aug 28Liked by Bill Buppert

Hello Bill. This was a great podcast. I've read Forstchen's and Schlichter books, as well as some of the other books that you listed; I also greatly enjoyed the Hammer of God book, which I've read a few times. We have a good community here and we are well informed, we do not intend on being caught flat-footed. When it comes to surviving, we will determine early on whether we cover the neighborhood or head for the hills, and the proper intelligence (sigint, humint, etc) will show us the way; we could do either. Also, the best strategy is not to be seen and avoiding being hit; sort of the way the VC did it in the jungles of Vietnam. If it comes to that, firefights would be avoided if possible, but if not, we would select the terrain; we prefer the dark in the hills rather than trying out armored vests (which we also have) in urban firefights. Last but not least, we intend to keep our "cool" in hard and stressful situations; our Christian values, prayer and meditation will help us out here. Keep the good podcasts coming Bill. I miss the morning five-minute coffee conversations. I'm trying to convince Antonio to get squared-away, maybe I'll be successful eventually.

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I miss those conversations too. Thanks for reaching out.

The anticommunism is strong here in FL.

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Aug 27Liked by Bill Buppert

One other thought.

These episodes came about as a critical response to Day of Wrath and the Attack. I agree that odds are high that we could see something like that occur.

However that event is likely to be short duration. The attack cells will be hunted and killed as quickly as the powers that be or concerned citizens can react.

It wouldn’t shock me that if the event was big enough that you’d see military tribunal and summary execution as outlined by Schlichter. And that’s just a short step to actual oppression of citizens.

And at that point your TTP will have to shift again from immediate response to something more like the IRA.

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I agree and both books arrive at totally different conclusions but I will leave that for the readers.

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Aug 27Liked by Bill Buppert

We focus on the last war because that’s what we can observe and grok with all the other responsibilities we have as men and heads of families. Active and passive NVG are super powers you want if you can afford it. The same with good and relatively lightweight armor and helmets.

Clip on thermal imaging is also a thing.

Drones won’t be going away. They provide too much bang for the buck. (Pun intended).

Hard skills are always a thing but just not sexy. Stop the bleed classes, TQs and chest seals are great but if you have an actual gunshot wound victim you are going to have trouble if you can’t provide care for them in the long term or get them to a medical provider that can. Understand how to purify water. How would you carry out long term waste elimination, sanitation, and personal hygiene?

Not all preppers are the same. The guns and the tactical are fun and interesting, but there are plenty that speak to medical or raising crops or even educating your kids.

Be the warrior in the garden. Not the gardener in the war.

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Amen to all and the brevity of the podcast forbids me from going into the detail I can.

Agree with all which is why we home educated our urchins.

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Great episode Bill.

In a future episode can you speak to this?

The prepper/gun space is currently infatuated with Ukraine TTP’s. Much like they were with the GWOT previously. Are they doing themselves a disservice by focusing on the “last” war when “it’s” probably going to be something different?

They often get lost in “the scenario” and ignore the things that span all,.. the fundamentals and . Hard skills.

For example “we can’t use active NVG techniques cuz near peer threats”

“Can’t do X cuz drones..”

Completely throwing basic planning out the window.

You have said previously the fedgov is always fighting the last war and lack the ability to adjust to agile and adaptive adversaries.

I’d love to hear your take.

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Yes, indeed, I will cover that soon. The Russians are the ones to watch and not the UKR knuckleheads.

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Aug 26Liked by Bill Buppert

Congratulations Bill on reaching your fiftieth episode! Thank you for dedicating your time and knowledge to creating and producing this wonderful and thought provoking podcast.

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Thank you, sir.

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